
fostering brothers and sisters

Brothers and sisters often end up coming in to care together for various reasons that they cannot live at home. We believe keeping siblings together in the same foster home gives them comfort, security, and a sense of normalcy. Building better futures is often about making the most of the important bonds that already exist, as well as forging new ones.

Mark, along with his wife Lorraine has been fostering sibling groups for six years. Initially, they had a couple of weekend respite for two siblings and for the last 5 years they have had long-term siblings living with them. We caught up with Mark to find out more about his experience fostering siblings.

Why did you decide to foster?

It was something that we had always considered but never actually made the step. We were just having a chat one day and thought our children are grown up now and we still have a lot of love to give, we have given our four boys a great start in life, and this was our chance to give more children the best start in life

What was your career prior to fostering?

I started my career on the production line, worked up the rankings to field engineer and then worked testing machinery. It was very different to what I am doing now as a foster carer but sometimes you don’t need particular skills, you just need to be a genuine human being. If you a genuine caring human being who cares about children, you can be a foster carer. I am now a full time carer and my wife still continues her job as a care worker.

What are the biggest challenges you have faced as a foster carer?

You have to be flexible as things do change. When children arrived, they were anxious around men due to past trauma, but when this was identified we were able to work through it together.

What are your biggest achievements?

The biggest achievement has to be the difference we see in the children. They are now completely opposite from when they arrived, confident and happy, event though they still have little issues, there are so may positives.

I can liken it to a paint by numbers picture, at first there is no colour, then it is colourful and bright’.

What support do you receive from Foster Wales VOG to help you care for the young people?

The training at Foster Wales Vale of Glamorgan is excellent, it has helped me understand certain behaviours. I want to be the best foster carer I can so am continually learning and doing courses to help me understand.

What is your advice to anyone thinking of fostering?

Don’t go into it thinking it will be easy, but it is the most rewarding thing you’ll ever do in your life.

want to start your fostering journey?

If reading Mark’s story has encouraged you to think about becoming a foster carer, then we’d love to hear from you.
Living in Vale of Glamorgan, Wales? Send us a message and we will get back to you as soon as we can.
If you live elsewhere in Wales, visit the Foster Wales website where you can find all the information and contact your local authority service.

Story Time

Stories From Our Carers