types of fostering
You can make a difference in so many ways. Whether it’s a day, a week, a month, a year or even longer. You can change a child’s life for the better.
learn moreways to foster
As you read this, there are children in the Vale of Glamorgan in need of someone. They need to be heard, believed in and cared for. You could be the person to offer that support.
Whether you’re paying a mortgage or paying rent. Whether you’re married or single. Whatever your sexual orientation, ethnicity and religion. If you want to make a difference, you can foster.
Here at Foster Wales Vale of Glamorgan, diversity is something that we actively seek and celebrate. The skills and experience that you have matter deeply, and so do the qualities that make you unique. We know that the wider and more varied mix of foster carers we have, the better.
Still unsure whether fostering is for you? Keep reading to find out.
Fostering with us is an opportunity to make a real difference to children throughout the Vale of Glamorgan. No matter who you are. It can be as short as an overnight stay or something longer-term.
Different people are needed for different types of foster care. This is why we need and welcome diverse carers who have different backgrounds, different experiences and unique stories to share.
We are your dedicated and committed expert base. We will join forces with you, your family, friends and your network to achieve the very best for the children in your community.
There are two main questions we ask when it comes to who can foster: can you make a difference, and do you want to?
We appreciate how busy working life can be. If your work schedule is a bit busy, it might mean you need some additional support from your family and friends. Working full time is not necessarily a barrier. It’s simply something that may need a little more consideration.
You can fit fostering into your life but some kinds may suit you better than others. Many foster carers work full time and foster part-time by offering short breaks while others foster full time.
Fostering is a commitment. And it requires a team approach. You will have help from the right mix of dedicated and skilled professionals. And, of course, we are here to support you, every step of the way.
Whether you own your home or rent it, what matters most is if you feel secure where you live. Together, we can figure out what works best for you depending on the place you call home.
Do you have a spare room that is not being used? Think about how amazing it could be to transform that room into a safe space for someone to live in. For a child who needs it.
There is no typical foster child and no typical foster family either. If you already have children, taking care of a foster child just means extending your family. It means you’re adding another person to love and care for.
Fostering siblings can be wonderfully rewarding too. Having this early insight into foster care can build up children’s understanding and help them to build lasting friendships. Best of all, it can build up their ability to care for others.
Whether you’re in your 20s or your 70s, there is no upper age limit when it comes to fostering. No matter what age you are, you will get expert support and local training to help equip you for your journey ahead.
There is also no lower age limit if you want to foster. While life experience is an enormous bonus, being young doesn’t mean you can’t become a foster carer. With our extensive network of support, we will guide you so you can enjoy the road ahead, no matter your age.
When it comes to fostering, there are no special requirements around being in a relationship. Being single, married or in a civil partnership has no bearing on your chances of fostering.
What children need most is stability. It doesn’t matter if you’re single or in a relationship: if you can offer a safe and stable environment, you can foster.
Yes, you can. Your gender identity has no effect on whether you will be a good foster parent or not. What matters is your personality, your skills and your caring nature.
Your sexual orientation is not a factor. Whether you have the commitment to be the person who cares and listens, the person who can offer a safe space for a child is what’s most important.
Having any kind of pet doesn’t mean you can’t foster. We will simply include your pets in your assessment. This is to make sure they and your foster child will get along well together.
Pets can be a wonderful benefit for a foster family. They can offer another kind of helpful support, and a different kind of friendship. We recognise that and that’s why they aren’t a barrier to fostering.
Smoking, including e-cigarettes and vaping, won’t stop you from fostering but it may affect which children you can open up your home to. The most important thing is for you to be honest. We offer guidance on how to quit smoking if it’s wanted. With every case, it’s about finding the right match between your family and the children in our care.
We understand that employment can have its ups and downs. As a foster parent, being there to offer support and guidance when a child needs it is what matters. So, if you’re currently out of work, this is not a reason for you not to take your first steps to become a foster carer. We will work with you to make sure now is the right time for you to foster.
Yes – you don’t need a big house to foster. Every foster home is different, after all, and this is how it should be. You don’t need a massive house to foster children, but you do need a spare room where they can feel safe and at home.