
can i foster part time?

We are in urgent need of respite foster carers. There are many different types of fostering, but they all have the same purpose. It’s about providing a loving and supportive home for a child in need.

What is respite care?

Respite is providing care for a weekend, a week or even over a year. It’s most known as short term breaks. You work with us while we try find a long-term home for the child. Think of it as sleepovers, holidays or even being a part time foster carer.

A child may be in need for short term care as their current foster family need a well-deserved break, as fostering long term can bring up all kinds of challenges. It can also be providing a break for the adoption family or birth parent.

Short term care can be a regular routine in place, or it can be irregular when a child is in sudden need of a place to stay. They can become a regular thing or just be a one off. Each situation is different. Respite is all about giving the child or carer/parent a chance to recharge and come back together stronger.

What are the benefits?

It’s flexible

If you are keen to take up fostering but are worried about being able to commit whilst working full time, respite care could be the best option for you.

It’s something you could look forward to doing on your weekends or time off work. You can be an amazing foster carer without it being something you commit all your time too. Providing a loving home for a weekend and planning something simple like a movie night can mean all the world to a child.

A good way to get started in fostering

If you are a new foster carer with no previous experience, starting off with short term care can be the best option. It’s a good learning experience to ease you into fostering.

Benefits for the main foster carer

Respite allows a foster carer to rest and recharge. This also creates a healthier environment for both the child and foster carer as they are relieved of any stress. It gives you a chance to catch up with other things in your life, without any added pressure.

It’s a great option for carers with their own birth children too, as they can have the time to tend to their children without the added duties of fostering.

Benefits for the child

Short breaks have great benefits for the children too. It gives them the opportunity to meet new people, learn new skills and gain a bigger support network.

If you feel like something is missing in your life or you have time to spare then there are local children who urgently need your help. Contact us for a friendly chat

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